Our Learning Areas


Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to Kaituna! 

Our class is New Entrant - Year 2. 

Kaituna’s daily routines revolve around a hands-on program that supports a smooth transition to school. Within our structured learning environment, we seamlessly integrate elements of play to encourage tauira to develop cooperation, communication skills, and build an understanding of our school values – respect, resilience, and responsibility.

Our morning literacy program includes daily phonics instruction, small group reading, and rotations that cover various activities such as the sound of the week craft, building fine motor skills, spelling, writing, and oral language. In our Math program, we begin with calendar math, where tamariki take turns leading, followed by a numeracy section that combines whole-class, individual, and small group learning.

Other curriculum areas such as the Arts, Inquiry, and PE will be integrated through whole-class activation exercises, projects, and various engaging activities.

Tamariki approaching their 5th birthdays will receive a letter inviting them to attend approximately four visits in the classroom in the month leading up to full-time school attendance. If your child is approaching this exciting milestone and you haven't heard from me, please call or visit the office to ensure we have your contact details.

Nga mihi,

Selena Robbins



Kia ora and a warm welcome to Wakamarina, where our ākonga from Year 3 to 5 embark on their learning journey.

In Wakamarina, our daily schedule revolves around engaging, hands-on learning experiences and activities, striking a balance between structured lessons, explicit teaching, and ākonga-led learning.

Academic learning encompasses literacy, writing, numeracy, and korowai (inquiry). Tamariki will enrich their understanding through various approaches, including explicit teaching, workshops, collaborative group work, and independent study.

Furthermore, our timetable integrates the arts, physical education (PE), and health, ensuring a holistic and well-rounded learning experience for our young learners.

Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai - Nurture the seed and it will blossom.



Welcome to Pelorus, a classroom of Year 6-8 learners. 

In Pelorus Classroom, we prioritise enjoyable, hands-on learning experiences while maintaining a balance between structured and explicit teaching. 

This academic year, students will acquire a valuable understanding of independent learning, exploring opportunities to enhance their math, literacy, and writing skills through workshops. They will then apply these skills to pursue their individual passion projects, aligned with the term’s korowai focus. 

In addition to the formal learning experiences, we place a significant emphasis on our school values, recognising the crucial role these values play in shaping respectful and responsible young citizens.

Ako ngātahi kia tupu tātou - Together we learn – Together we grow

Ngā mihi

Richelle Henderson



This school and community shared resource has for many years operated under the direction of the Library Committee with generous support from the Marlborough District Libraries.

The school encourages students to borrow books regularly. Indeed parents are encouraged to do so too as a wide range of adult material is available and updated regularly. Books can also be requested from Marlborough Libraries. 

Sometimes children will bring home a book that is beyond them and be too difficult for him/her to manage alone. Please enjoy the book together. Your interest and time with them will echo volumes about what you value. If you don’t see your child reading regularly, ask them if you can help, create a time before lights out for some independent or shared reading with you.

The library has a collection of over four thousand books available for loan by both school children and the community. A number of adult fiction books are inter-loaned every two months from the Marlborough District Library, giving a wide selection of choice. This is a very well stocked library, better than one might anticipate. Come and check it out. A variety of periodcials are also available for borrowing.  

At the Feb 2013 AGM, apart from the usual agenda, a tidied constitution was adopted by those present. Should you be interested in attending the quarterly committee meetings just keep an eye out in the school newsletter. You are most welcome to attend.

The Community Library hours are 2:00pm – 3:30pm on both Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. 


Rita Jacobson, Library Assistant  Ph 574 2176   Email ritacolletjacobson@gmail.com

Glenn Webster, Committee Chairperson  Ph 520 7491


Throughout the year a number of activities are hosted across the five cluster schools (Waitaria Bay, Linkwater, Havelock, Canvastown and Rai Valley Area) and include public speaking, athletics, cross-country, swimming, Math/Tech Challenge and a non-competitive Top Team event. Incidental activities are also arranged from time to time and can include cricket, tennis, gymnastics, softball, tabloids, volleyball, basketball, netball, rugby and soccer. All activities are constantly under review with the intention that as wide a range as possible is offered. Advance notice is given and help is usually required with transport and a whole day given to the event. The school calendar and HERO notices contain further details about these events.