Y 7/8 Technology
Year 7 & 8 students attend the Marlborough Technology Centre in Blenheim in every second Monday throughout the year for practical aspects of the Technology Curriculum. The centre has the facilities to teach all areas of the curriculum: Materials Technology, (textiles, wood, metal, and plastics), Biotechnology, Food Technology, Electronics and Control, Digital Technology, Structures and Mechanisms and Production and Process Technology. Design & Graphics are an integral part of all areas.
Every endeavour will be made to ensure that students cover all technological areas during the two year period they attend the Centre.
A materials fee is charged at the beginning of each year and payable to our school office (invoiced on HERO). It covers resources that the students use in the centre or that can be taken home. This includes all fabric or textiles, wood, metal plastics, electronic components and consumable materials such as paper and photocopying.
The safety of students is very important during practical classes. Students are not permitted to work in the centre without covered shoes. Shoes must cover all of the foot up to the ankle. Leather lace up school shoes are the most suitable. Long hair must be tied back. No chains or rings should be worn.
Parents are asked to ensure that their children prepare in adequate time any requirements necessary. This preparation should be seen as an integral part of homework.
From time to time, parents are invited to visit the centre and see one of New Zealand's foremost centres in operation. Do take the opportunity - some great things are done and horizons extended.